Model 6517B Electrometer Reference Manual Section 15: Calibration procedure6517B-901-01 Rev. C / August 2015 15-5Voltage ranges voltage offsetTo calibrate the voltage offset for each range:1. Connect the DMM to the Model 6517B preamp output.2. Set the DMM range to 1 V DC.3. Connect the Model 6517B input HI to input LO (short the input).4. Send::CAL:PROT:VOFF:STEP 5:CAL:PROT:VOFF15. Allow the input to settle for 10 seconds, then take the DMM voltage reading.:CAL:PROT:VOFF2 :CAL:PROT:VOFF36. Allow the input to settle for 10 seconds, then take the DMM voltage reading.:CAL:PROT:VOFF4 Coulombs ranges voltage offsetTo calibrate the voltage offset for each range:1. Connect the DMM to the Model 6517B preamp output. Set the DMM range to 1 V DC. Place thetriaxial cap on the Model 6517B input.:CAL:PROT:VOFF:STEP 6:CAL:PROT:VOFF12. Allow the input to settle for 10 seconds, then take the DMM voltage reading.:CAL:PROT:VOFF2 :CAL:PROT:VOFF33. Allow the input to settle for 10 seconds, then take the DMM voltage reading.:CAL:PROT:VOFF4 Current offset calibrationThe following three commands are automated and require extra time to complete: :CAL:PROT:IOFF:STEP 3 takes approximately two minutes :CAL:PROT:IOFF:STEP 4 takes approximately five minutes :CAL:PROT:IOFF:STEP 5 takes approximately two minutes