| keatingofchicago.comTOP-SIDE™ COOKING HEAD (EXPLODED VIEW)Figure 6-1105146, 4748, 49, 5030363738, 39, 403432334142, 43, 4445313512 34 6511, 12102218 21 24 2026 19171828, 2915169714 13232518To control box ORDERING PARTSParts may be ordered by calling 1-800-KEATING or your local Keating service company. We recommend usinggenuine Keating Replacement Parts - engineered and manufactured specifi cally to meet exact specifi cations andrequirements for Keating equipment.Refer to the Keating Top-Side™ Cooker Limited Warranty for complete service and ordering information.The model/serial plate for each cooking head is located on the control panel assembly. The serial and modelnumbers are necessary when ordering.WARNING AND OPERATING PLATESAll warning and operating plates on the Keating MIRACLEAN® Electric Griddle should be in place at all times.If plates are damaged or lost, replace them immediately.