Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677KANE450 manual Page 52. BEFORE USING THE ANALYSER EVERY TIME:Check the water trap is empty and the particle filter is not dirty:- To empty water trap, unplug its rubber stopper and re-plug once it is empty.- To change the filter, remove protective rubber sleeve, pull out the water trap unit fromthe analyser, remove the water trap’s particle filter from its’ spigot and replace.Reconnect the water trap and rubber protective sleeve.Connect the flue probe into the bottom of the analyser’s water trap and connect the probe’stemperature plug to the socket next to the water trap – check the plug’s orientation is correctotherwise incorrect temperature measurements will occur.After switch on, check fuel source, date and time are correct and battery power is sufficient.SAFETY WARNINGThis analyser extracts combustion gases that may be toxic in relatively low concentrations.These gases are exhausted from the back of the instrument. This analyser must only be usedin well-ventilated locations by trained and competent persons after due consideration ofall the potential hazards.Sensor manufacturers recommend users of portable gas detectors containing electrochemicalsensors conduct a “bump” check before relying on the unit to verify an atmosphere is freefrom hazard.A “bump” test is a means of verifying that an instrument is working within acceptable limitsby briefly exposing to a known gas mixture formulated to change the output of all the sensorspresent. (This is different from a calibration where the instrument is also exposed to a knowngas mixture but is allowed to settle to a steady figure and the reading adjusted to the stated gasconcentration of the test gas).For Oxygen monitors a level of confidence that the unit is working adequately may be gainedby exhaling over the sensor inlet and viewing the reduction in reading obtained.