Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677KANE450 manual Page 3KANE450User GuideThe KANE450 Combustion Analyser measures O2, differential temperature,differential pressure and CO.It calculates efficiency (Nett, Gross or Condensing), losses, the CO/CO 2 ratio,Poison Index, excess air and CO air free in ppm only..The analyser can be upgraded with the addition of a Nitric Oxide sensor eitheron initial purchase (Order Code: KANE450N) or as a retrofit as part of anannual service procedure.In addition the KANE450 Combustion Analyser’s CO sensor checks carbonmonoxide levels in ambient air - useful when a CO Alarm is triggered .. andtests the safety of appliances.The CO and NO readings can be referenced to the oxygen reading in ppm ormg/m3 .All analysers have a protective rubber sleeve with a magnet for “hands–free”operation and their flue probes work on all combustion appliances and takeambient air measurements.The large display shows 4 readings at a time and all data can be printed via anoptional infrared printer. The printed data can be 'live' data, 'frozen data' orstored data. 255 sets of tests can be stored. Note: stored data is lost if thebatteries are removed or are exhausted. Two lines of 16 characters can be addedto the header of printouts.The analysers are controlled using 4 buttons and a rotary dial.The four buttons (from left to right) switch on and off the analyser, print actualor frozen data/ switch on and off the backlight, switch on and off the pump and“freeze”/ hold data. The buttons with UP, DOWN and ENTER arrows alsochange settings such as date, time, fuel source etc. when in MENU mode.The rotary dial changes the LED indicated display line and selects access to themenu to make changes to the date, time, fuel, etc.