14 IV User Manual Pedelec with !ont motor6 BatteryYour battery is a lithium cobalt battery, the ideal type oflithium-ion (Li-ion) battery for this application. One of themain benefits of this type of battery is its low weight com-bined with a high capacity. Li-ion batteries only weigh halfas much as comparable nickel metal hybride or nickel-cad-mium batteries. This means you carry less battery weightand more battery power.6.1 Straightforward chargingi There is no memory effect. You can therefore #llyrecharge your battery after every trip.i Recharge the battery after every trip. This meansyou can set off immediately the next time you useyour bike and you also increase the service life ofthe battery.i If you are not using the battery, you must rechargeit after 6 months at the latest.6.2 High degree of safety due tobattery managementi The battery cannot be damaged as a result of ashort-circuit. If this were to happen, the batterymanagement would switch off the battery.i You can simply leave the battery standing in thecharger as it prevents overcharging.6.3 Straightforward storagei If you do not need your battery for a while, store itat a temperature of +10 °C at three quarters of its#ll charge capacity.i The battery enters sleep mode to prevent it !omtotally discharging.i These benefits are available due to highly effectivebattery management that has been adapted to thisspecific application and by tuning the battery foroperation with a 250 watt motor.Observe the following points to increase the servicelife of your Pedelec battery:i Make sure that the battery is #lly charged beforeyou ride your bike for the first time or after youhave not used it for a while.i You should run the battery all the way down toempty for the first three charging cycles. This al-lows the battery to reach its maximum capacity.i If you continuously run the battery to empty duringnormal operation, this reduces its service life.i If you partially recharge the battery !equently dur-ing normal operation, this has a favourable effecton its service life.i You should therefore partially recharge the batterywhenever possible: Try not to run the battery allthe way down to empty and recharge it even after ashort period of operation.i In the as-delivered condition, the battery is not#lly charged and is in what is referred to as sleepmode. Sleep mode minimises the rate at which thebattery discharges itself. If the battery is allowedto discharge unchecked for an extended period thiscan lead to total discharging which damages thebattery. To "wake up" the battery, simply place it inthe charger for one minute.i If you are having problems with the battery, placeit in the charger for one minute. A reset occurs,during which the battery management disablessleep mode for example. After this, the battery willwork again.i Ideally you should charge the battery at a tempera-ture of between +10 °C and +30 °C. It takes longerto charge the battery at low temperatures, thebattery will not charge up at temperatures higherthan +30 °C. Ideally, you should charge and storethe battery inside your house or in a warm garagewhen the outside temperature is low. In this caseyou should only fit the battery on your bike justbefore using it.i If you are transporting your Pedelec by car, takethe battery out of its holder and transport itseparately.i The battery is ideally stored for longer periodscharged to 75% of its capacity at a temperature of+10 °C.