Operation Manual56 04043988 - 02/2014 B-eco7.6 Keypad entries7.6.1 Numeric inputWe 01.08.2012 15:56:11 -Beginning of orderMachine number .123|----- ,The input field is displayed by entering the first digit.The digits are entered on the numeric keypad.In addition, the characters minus, period and comma can be entered via the right-hand special key bar.7.6.2 Alphanumeric inputWe 01.08.2012 15:58:29 -Beginning of orderOrder number .123ab|--- ,123The alphanumeric input is done via the numeric keypad. The individual keys havemultiple assignments.In addition, the characters minus, period and comma can be entered via the specialkeys 1 to 3.Special key 4 is used to switch the input mode:• 123 = Input of digits• abc = Input of small letters• ABC = Input of capitalsAt the beginning of the input, the digit input is active, after the first press, it changesto the small letters input mode and then to the capitals input mode.