Grouped safety messages Manual10 04043988 - 02/2014 B-eco2.4 Handling lithium batteriesThe device has a lithium manganese dioxide battery, type CR2032, to buffer thememory. The battery is on the rear of the terminal housing.CAUTIONLithium batteries can rupture or burst like an explosive.Improper handling of lithium batteries can cause fire and explosions.• Lithium batteries may only be replaced by the SERVICE PERSON.• They may only be replaced by batteries of the same type.• Do not open, bore through, or crush lithium batteries.• Do not burn lithium batteries or expose them to high temperatures.• Do not short-circuit lithium batteries.• Do not recharge the lithium batteries.2.5 ESD (electrostatic discharge) protective measuresNOTICE!Danger for electronic components due to electrostatic discharge.Improper handling of printed circuit boards or components can cause damages thatlead to complete failures or sporadic errors.• During installation and repair of the device, the ESD protective measures mustbe considered.The following rules must be considered:• Wear an ESD wristband when handling electronic components.Connect the end of the wristband to a discharge socket or an unvarnishedgrounded metal component. This way, static charges are discharged fromyour body securely and effectively.• Touch only the edges of circuit boards. Do not touch the circuit board nor theconnector.• Place all dismantled components on an antistatic surface or in an antistaticcontainer.• Avoid contact between circuit boards and clothing. The wristband onlyprotects the printed circuit boards against electrostatic discharge from yourbody, but there is still a risk of damage through electrostatic discharge fromyour clothing.• Transport and dispatch dismantled modules only in electrostatically shieldedprotective bags.