Operating Manual12 Original Operating Manual5.2 Load handlingSet the forks as wide apart as possible for the load to be carried.Position the mast vertically and take up the load parallel to the floor.Drive the attachment up to the load to maximum extent.Raise the load about 300 mm and tilt the mast backwards.Centre the load to the middle of the lift truck during take-up and transport.5.3 DrivingMake sure the load to be lifted and the pressure plates are in perfect condition.Do not drive with the mast tilted forward.Take care when driving that neither the attachment nor the load comes into contactwith the ground.5.4 RotateRotation can cause damage to the load and the attachment.Ensure sufficient distance of the load to the floor, the ceiling, to shelves, etc.If higher torque than specified is generated by the load, the rotation devicerotates uncontrolled or not at all.This can lead to damage to the load and the attachment.Note the torque given on the type plate of the attachment.The torque given on the type plate refers to the pressure difference of 125 bar at thehydraulic motor.Only rotate loads parallel to the floor (set lifting frame vertically).Do not rotate loads if there are people in the working area.Rotate raised loads slowly.Fast rotating can influence the stability of the lift truck.