9OPTIONAL CLEANING ACCESSORIES• Underbody Spray Wand• Pipe Drain Cleaner• Water Suction Hose• Extension Hose 25’• Rotating wash brushOptional cleaning accessories are available to further enhance your cleaning capabilities.See accessories order form for product descriptions and ordering instructions.In Canada Call:1-800-465-4980or visit our website: www.karcher.caCLEANING TIPS - continuedBarbecue Grills, OutdoorPower Equipment &Gardening Tools(with or without detergent)Pre-rinse cleaning surface with fresh water.Place detergent suction tube directly intocleaning solution and apply detergent at lowpressure. Allow detergent to remain onsurface 1-3 minutes. Do not allow detergentto dry on surface. Rinse at high pressurekeeping the spray nozzle approximately 3-6inches from the cleaning surface. Forremoving extremely stubborn dirt, it may benecessary to move the spray nozzle evencloser to the surface for greater dirt cuttingaction. To remove caked-on mud fromgarbage cans, lawn mower blades, wheel-barrows or other non-sensitive metal sur-faces, you may want to use the KarcherDirtblaster® Nozzle.Caution: Do not use Dirtblaster® spraynozzle on cloth, plastic or other sensitivesurfaces as it may cause damage.Patio & Lawn Furniture(with or without detergent)Pre-rinse furniture and surrounding area withfresh water. Place detergent suction tubedirectly into cleaning solution and apply tosurface at low pressure. Allow detergent toremain on surface 1-3 minutes. Do not allowdetergent to dry on surface. If needed usespecial wash brush attachment to removestubborn dirt. Rinse at high pressure in asweeping motion keeping the spray nozzleapproximately 3-6 inches from the cleaningsurface. For best results, clean from top tobottom and from left to right.Caution: Do not use Dirtblaster® nozzleon patio or lawn furniture as it may causedamage.Recommendations:• Before cleaning any surface an inconspic-uous area should be cleaned to test spraypattern and distance for maximum clean-ing results.• If painted surfaces are peeling or chipping,use extreme caution as pressure washermay remove the loose paint from thesurface.