- 5 Spray the detergent sparingly on the dry sur-face and allow it to react, but not to dry. Spray off loosened dirt with the high-pres-sure jet. Release the lever on the trigger gun. Lock the lever on the trigger gun. During longer breaks (more than 5 minutes),also turn the appliance off using the "0/OFF"switch. Insert the trigger gun in its holder.CautionOnly separate the high-pressure hose from thetrigger gun or the appliance while there is nopressure in the system. After working with detergent, suspend deter-gent suction hose in a container filled withclear water, switch the appliance on foraround 1 minute once the spray lance hasbeen removed and rinse until water runsclear. Release the lever on the trigger gun. Turn off the appliance "0/OFF". Turn off tap. Press the lever on the trigger gun to releaseany remaining pressure in the system. Lock the lever on the trigger gun. Pull out the mains plug.CautionIn order to prevent accidents or injuries, keep inmind the weight of the appliance during transport(see Specifications). Lift appliance by the carrying handle and car-ry it. Pull the appliance by its transport handle. Empty detergent tank. Secure the appliance against shifting andtipping over.CautionIn order to prevent accidents or injuries, keep inmind the weight of the appliance when selectinga storage location for it (see Specifications). Park the machine on an even surface. Insert the trigger gun in its holder. Stow away the mains cable, the high-pres-sure hose and accessory at the appliance.Prior to extended storage periods, as during thewinter, also observe the instructions in the Caresection.CautionProtect the appliance and its accessories againstfrost.The appliance and its accessories can get de-stroyed through frost if there are any water resi-dues in them. To avoid damage to them: Completely drain all water from the appli-ance: Switch the appliance on with detachedhigh-pressure hose and detached water sup-ply (max. 1 minute) and wait, until no morewater exits at the high-pressure connection.Turn off the appliance. Store the appliance and the entire accesso-ries in a frost-safe room. DangerTurn off the appliance and remove the mainsplug prior to any care and maintenance work.Prior to longer periods of storage, e.g. in the win-ter: Remove filter from suction hose for deter-gent and clean under running water. Pull out the sieve in the water connection us-ing flat-nose pliers and clean under runningwater.The appliance is maintenance-free.Recommended cleaning methodInterrupting operationFinish operationTransportWhen transporting by handWhen transporting in vehiclesStorageStoring the ApplianceFrost protectionMaintenance and careCareMaintenance14 EN