English 5.906-487.0 Rev. 00 (04/10) 191 Ignition electrodes2 Fuel nozzle holder3 Fuel nozzle, spray angle 45° or 60°, depending onthe type of appliance4 Screw5 Burner coverIgnition electrodesThere is a strong spark created between the two igni-tion electrodes to ensure that the injected fuel will ig-nite.The necessary ignition voltage is generated by the ig-nition transformer.The exact adherence to the adjustment dimensions isa basic requirement for the proper function of theburner, for good exhaust values and the long idle timeof the ignition electrodes.There is always a ignition spark between the two ig-nition electrodes, during cold and hot water operation(continuous ignition). This is a safety measure, sothat injected fuel will be ignited in any case and can-not accumulate unburned in the on-demand heater(deflagration hazard).NoteThis appliance does not have a sight glass in theburner cover.In order to ensure a safe ignition of the injected fuel,the adjustment dimensions must be strictly adheredto.5.7 Burner