– 2Risk of electric shock. The casingmust only be opened by electri-cians.– The voltage indicated on the type platemust correspond to the voltage of theelectrical source.– Minimum fuse strength of the socket(see Technical Data).– Safety class I - Appliances may only beconnected to sockets with proper earth-ing.– It is recommended that you connect thisdevice to a socket that has a 30 mA pro-tection switch against wrong currents.– Please use the mains cable prescribedby the manufacturer; the same is alsoapplicable when you replace the ca-bles. See Operating Instructions Manu-al for Order Number and Type.– Check the power cord with mains plugfor damage before every use. If thepower cord is damaged, please arrangeimmediately for the exchange by an au-thorized customer service or a skilledelectrician.– The appliance may only be connectedto an electrical supply which has beeninstalled by an electrician in accordancewith IEC 60364.– Operating procedures create short termpower sinkings.– During unfavorable net conditions otherdevices might be disturbed.– Never touch the mains plug with wethands.– Make sure that the power cord or exten-sion cables are not damaged by run-ning over, pinching, dragging or similar.Protect the cable from heat, oil, andsharp edges.– The extension cable must have thecross-section listed in the circuit planand be protected against spraying wa-ter. The connection must not lie in wa-ter.– The mains plug and the coupling of anextension cable must be watertight andmust never lie in water. Moreover, thecoupling may never lie on the ground.The use of cable reels that ensure thatthe sockets are at least 60 mm abovethe ground is recommended.– Unsuitable electrical extension cablescan be hazardous. Only use electricalextension cables outdoors which havebeen approved and labelled for this pur-pose and have an adequate cablecross-section.– The power cord must be checked regu-larly for damages, such as cracks or ag-ing. If damage is found, the cable mustbe replaced before further use.– If couplings of the power cord or exten-sion cable are replace the splash pro-tection and the mechanical tightnessmust be ensured.– Do not clean the appliance with a waterhose or high-pressure water jet (dangerof short circuits or other damage).– Do not operate the appliance at temper-atures below 0 °C.– Please observe the safety instructionsof your water supply authority.– Please ensure that screw connectionsof all hoses are not leaky.– The high pressure hose must not bedamaged. A damaged high pressurehose must be replaced immediately.Only hoses and joints recommended bythe manufacturer may be used. SeeOperating Instructions Manual for OrderNumber.– The appliance and its working equip-ment must be checked to ensure that itis in proper working order and is operat-ing safely prior to use.The appliance must not be used if aconnecting line or important parts of theappliance, e.g. safety devices, high-Power connectionWater connectionApplication16 EN