#9.800-085.0 • Rev. 6/09OPERATOR’S MANUAL PRESSURE WASHER6STEP 1: Attach handle to the frameof the pressure washer. Note: Itmay be necessary to move thehandle supports from side to sidein order to align the handle so it willslide over the frame supports.STEP 2: Insert the carriage boltthrough the holes from the outsideof the unit and attach a nut fromthe inside of the machine. Tightennuts.STEP 3: Attach the spray gun/hosestorage handle, and bracket tohandle. Tighten nuts.STEP 4: Attach the high pressurehose to the spray gun using teflontape on hose threads.STEP 9: Pull the spring-loadedcollar of the wand coupler backto insert your choice of pressurenozzle. Release the coupler collarand push the nozzle until the collarclicks. Pull the nozzle to make sureit is seated properly.STEP 8: Connect the high pres-sure hose to the pump dischargenipple. Push coupler collar forwarduntil secure.STEP 5: Attach nozzle extensionto spray gun/wand. Tighten bothby hand.STEP 7: Connect garden hoseto the cold water source. Beforeinstalling nozzle, turn on watersupply and run machine, allowingwater to flush through the systemuntil clear.ASSEMbLy INSTRUCTIONSSTEP 6: Connect the garden hoseto pump water inlet. Inspect inlets.CAUTION: Do not run the pumpwithout water or pump damagewill result.AlignmentHolesHandleframeAssy.CarriageboltNutStudsNutHose/gunStoragebracketSafetyLatchSpraygunHighPressure HoseNozzle ExtensionSpraygun/WandPressureNozzleWand CouplerWand CollarPumpDischargeNippleHighPressureHoseColdWaterSourcegardenHosePumpWater Inletgarden HoseCoupler Collarbolts