– 1Please read and comply withthese original instructions priorto the initial operation of your appliance andstore them for later use or subsequent own-ers.Before first start-up it is definitely necessaryto read the operating instructions and safe-ty indications Nr. 5.951-949! DangerImmediate danger that can cause severeinjury or even death. WarningPossible hazardous situation that couldlead to severe injury or even death.CautionPossible hazardous situation that couldlead to mild injury to persons or damage toproperty.High-pressure jets can be dan-gerous if improperly used. Thejet may not be directed at per-sons, animals, live electrical equipment orat the appliance itself.According to the applicable regula-tions, the appliance must never beused on the drinking water supplywithout a system separator. Use asuitable system separator manufactured byKÄRCHER; or, as an alternative, a systemseparator as per EN 12729 Type BA. Waterflowing through a system separator is con-sidered non-drinkable.CautionAlways connect the system separator tothe water supply, never directly to the appli-ance!– Please follow the national rules andregulations for fuel spray jets of the re-spective country.– Please follow the national rules andregulations for accident prevention ofthe respective country. Fuel spray jetsmust be tested regularly and the resultsof these tests must be documented inwriting.– The appliance is not a vacuum cleaner!Never suck in more fluid than what hasbeen sprayed. Do not use to suck in drydust!– The machine is not suitable for vacuum-ing dust which endangers health.– Never sweep off explosive liquids, com-bustible gases or undiluted acids andsolvents. This includes petrol, paintthinner or heating oil which can gener-ate explosive fumes or mixtures uponcontact with the air. Acetone, undilutedacids and solvents must also be avoid-ed as they can harm the materials onthe machine.– Never vacuum up the following materi-als:ContentsFor Your Safety EN - 1Proper use EN - 2Safety Devices EN - 2Environmental protection EN - 2Before Startup EN - 4Start up EN - 4Operation EN - 5Transport EN - 7Storage EN - 7Maintenance and care EN - 7Troubleshooting EN - 7Spare parts EN - 8Warranty EN - 8CE declaration EN - 9Technical specifications EN - 10For Your SafetySymbols in the operating instruc-tionsSymbols on the machineSafety instructions12 EN