– 2Explosive or combustible gases, liquidsand dust particles (reactive dust parti-cles)Reactive metal dusts (for e.g. alumini-um, magnesium, zinc) can form explo-sive gases when they come in contactwith highly alkaline or acidic detergents.Undiluted, strong acids and alkaliesOrganic solvents (such as petrol, paintthinners, acetone, heating oil).– Do not vacuum up any burning or glow-ing objects.– Humans and animals must not be vacu-umed with this appliance.– Please follow the statutory regulationsfor disposing off dirt water and alkalis.– Protect the appliance against frost.– Caution! Switch the appliance off imme-diately in case foam or liquid escape!This multi-purpose cleaner can be used forthe following tasks:– Applying detergent solution with thelow-pressure jet.– Removing dirt with the high pressurejet.– Vacuuming up the wastewater.– The appliance is not suitable for vacu-uming hazardous dust.– This appliance is intended for insideuse.Safety devices serve for the protection ofthe user and must not be put out of opera-tion or bypassed with respect to their func-tion.While reducing the water supply/quantityregulation at the pump head, the overflowvalve opens and part of the water flowsback to the pump suck side.Notes about the ingredients (REACH)You will find current information about theingredients at:http://www.karcher.de/de/unternehmen/umweltschutz/REACH.htmProper useSafety DevicesOverflow valveEnvironmental protectionThe packaging material can berecycled. Please do not placethe packaging into the ordinaryrefuse for disposal, but arrangefor the proper recycling.Old appliances contain valuablematerials that can be recycled.Please arrange for the proper re-cycling of old appliances. Batter-ies, oil, and similar substancesmust not enter the environment.Please dispose of your old appli-ances using appropriate collec-tion systems.13EN