40SET UP menuENGLISHTELETEXT LANGUAGEThere are four types of teletext languagegroups. Set the teletext language group thatcorresponds to the language of the teletextprogram that you want to watch.1 Choose TELETEXT LANGUAGE,then press the a or 3 button2 Press the 6 buttons to choose agroup3 Press the a button to completethe settingThe menu disappears.• Languages that are not included in theteletext language group that you select,the sub-titles of the teletext programwill not be displayed properly.PICTURE SHIFTThe picture displayed on the screen is shiftedup, down and to the left and right at regularintervals. In order to prevent burn-in, set thisfunction to FAST or SLOW.1 Choose PICTURE SHIFT2 Press the 5 buttons to choose amodeOFF:PICTURE SHIFT is turned off.SLOW:The picture is shifted every 30 minutes.FAST:The picture is shifted every 10 minutes.3 Press the a buttonThe menu disappears.HDMI SETTINGThis function is used if you have a DVI orHDMI compatible device connected to yourTV. For details, see “Using the HDMIterminal” on page 46.Group LanguagesGROUP-1 Turkish, Hungarian, English,German, French, Italian, Spanish,Portuguese, Greek, Swedish,FinnishGROUP-2 Polish, Serbian, Croatian,Slovenian, Czech, Slovak,Rumanian, Hungarian, German,French, Italian, Swedish, FinnishGROUP-3 Russian, Bulgarian, Lettish,Lithuanian, Estonian, Ukrainian,Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian,Czech, Slovak, English, GermanGROUP-4 Arabic, Czech, Slovak. Hungarian,English, German, French, Italian,Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish,FinnishD1003OKGROUP-1> TELETEXT LANGUAGEGROUP-2GROUP-3GROUP-4-EN