27PICTURE FEATURESENGLISHCOLOUR SYSTEMThe colour system is chosen automatically. However, if thepicture is not clear or no colour appears, choose the coloursystem manually.1 Choose COLOUR SYSTEM. Then press the aaaabuttonThe sub-menu of the COLOUR SYSTEM functionappears.2 Press the 5555 buttons to choose MAIN or SUBMAIN:You can change the colour system of the main-picture.SUB:You can change the colour system of the sub-picture.• Choose MAIN when a sub-picture is not displayed.3 Press the 6666 buttons to choose theappropriate colour system. Then press the aaaabuttonPAL:PAL systemSECAM:SECAM systemNTSC 3.58:NTSC 3.58 MHz systemNTSC 4.43:NTSC 4.43 MHz systemAUTO:This function detects a colour system from the inputsignal. You can only use this when you are viewing apicture from programme number PR 0 (AV), or an EXTterminal.• The AUTO function may not function properly if youhave poor signal quality. If the picture is abnormal in theAUTO function, choose another colour systemmanually.• When in the Programme numbers PR 0 (AV) to PR 99,you cannot choose NTSC 3.58 or NTSC 4.43.SECAM cannot be chosen when the COUNTRY settingis UNITED KINGDOM.MOVIE THEATREThe MOVIE THEATRE function displays a cinema filmpicture more smoothly and naturally on the screen.AUTO:The television automatically recognizes the type of signaland turns the function on and off.ON:This function is turned on.OFF:This function is turned off.• The motion may appear unnatural when viewing imageswith the NTSC colour system. When the MOVIETHEATRE function is set to AUTO or ON, the motionmay appear unnatural when viewing images with theNTSC colour system.• You cannot select this function in the twin pictures modeor the picture-in-picture mode.4:3 AUTO ASPECTYou can choose one of three ZOOM modes, REGULAR,PANORAMIC or 14:9 ZOOM, as the ZOOM mode for thenormal picture (4:3 aspect ratio).1 Choose 4:3 AUTO ASPECT then press the aaaabutton2 Press the 6666 buttons to choose a ZOOM mode.Then press the aaaa buttonCOLOUR MANAGEMENTThis TV supports the COLOUR MANAGEMENT functionto ensure dull colours are compensated to produce naturalhues.The COLOUR MANAGEMENT function is on by default.ON:COLOUR MANAGEMENT function is turned on.OFF:COLOUR MANAGEMENT function is turned off.• Set this function to ON under normal conditions.TV OKBACKD0016-ENCOLOUR SYSTEMMAIN SUBPAL AUTOTV OKBACKD0017-EN4:3 AUTO ASPECTPANORAMICREGULAR14:9 ZOOM