REMOTE CONTROL UNITRM-HP790DURM-HP790DEINSTRUCTIONSTALLY CALL FULL AUTOBARS F2F1F4 MENUSHUTTERMENU/SHUTTER GAIN WHITE MASTER BLACK IRISPUSH-ONDOWN UPVARIABLEPUSH-ONSTEPPAINTRAUTOBHIGHW.BALPOWERAUTOMANUBACLOSE OPENPRESETLOWMIDDOWN UPF3INTERCOMLEVELREMOTE CONTROL UNIT RM-HP790GAINSHUTTERFor Customer Use:Enter below the Serial No. which is located on the body.Retain this information for future reference.Model No. RM-HP790DUSerial No.Please read the following before getting started:Thank you for purchasing this JVC product.Before operating this unit, please read the instructionscarefully to ensure the best possible performance.In this manual, each model number is described without the last letter(U/E) which means the shipping destination. (U: for USA and Canada,E: for Europe)Only “U”models (RM-HP790DU) have been evaluated by UL.LST1153-001A