78 ENAUDIOVIDEORRLLINOUT1OUT2OUT1 OUT2INCABLEBOXANTENNA INTV OUTVHF/UHFSVIDEOS VIDEO OUTEdit To OrFrom AnotherVCRYou can use your recorder as the player or the recorder.MAKE CONNECTIONS1 Connect an AV cable between the player’s VIDEO OUTand AUDIO OUT connectors and the recorder’s VIDEOIN and AUDIO IN connectors.● If using another VCR with an S-VIDEO input oroutput connector, it is recommended to use the S-VIDEO connection to minimize picture degradationwhile editing.● When using your recorder as the recorder and amonaural VCR as the player, connect the player’s AUDIOOUT connector to the AUDIO IN L connector on therecorder.LOAD CASSETTES2 Insert the playback cassette into the player and thecassette to be recorded on into the recorder.SELECT DECK3 Press HDD or VHS (or S-VHS).Recorder Another VCRAUDIO INAudio/Video cable(supplied)VIDEO INPlayerYour recorderVIDEOOUTAUDIO OUTAdvantages Of S-VHS EditingS-VHS allows you make high resolution video recordingswhen dubbing from one VCR to another.You can edit from VHS to S-VHS, from S-VHS to VHS, orfrom S-VHS to S-VHS.● From VHS to S-VHS: Record VHS playback signals in the S-VHS mode. Although the picture quality is inherentlylimited by the original VHS source material, the edited tapehas better picture quality than those made by VHS-to-VHSediting.● From S-VHS to VHS: Because the picture quality of thesource material is very high, the edited tape has betterpicture quality than those made by VHS-to-VHS editing.● From S-VHS to S-VHS: A high resolution copy is made ofa high resolution original S-VHS tape with minimalpicture degradation. This is the preferred method ofvideo dubbing.S-Video cable(supplied)S VIDEO INEDITING (cont.)