Functions of NetworkConnection0 The network function can be operated byconnecting one of the following adapters to therear [HOST] terminal.0 USB wireless LAN adapter0 USB-Ethernet adapter0 USB-Cellular adapter(A P139 [Camera Setup for NetworkConnection] )0 The network feature comes with a browser-based function that makes use of devices suchas smartphones, tablet terminals, and PCs, aswell as an FTP function for executing operationson the thumbnail screen or menu.List of FunctionsImporting MetadataYou can download a metadata settings file (XMLformat) from the FTP server and store metadata inthe camera recorder.(A P142 [Importing Metadata] )Uploading Recorded ClipsYou can upload clips recorded in the SD card to apreset FTP server.(A P144 [Uploading a Recorded Video Clip] )Editing Metadata0 Planning MetadataYou can access the page for editing the camerarecorder’s metadata via a browser on devicessuch as a smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC,and edit the metadata that is to be applied toclips to be recorded.(A P147 [ Planning Metadata ] )0 Clip MetadataYou can access the page for editing the camerarecorder’s metadata via a browser on devicessuch as a smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC,and display or rewrite the metadata that isrecorded to a clip.(A P148 [ Clip Metadata ] )View RemoteYou can access via a browser on devices such asa smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC to check thelive image or remotely control the camera.(A P150 [View Remote Feature] )Preparing NetworkConnectionOperating EnvironmentComputero CPUCore 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or highero Memory2 GB or highero Display1024x768 or highero OS0 Windows XP SP3/Windows Vista SP2 (32 bit/64bit)/Windows7 SP1 (32 bit/64 bit)0 Mac OS X v10.5 or latero Web Browser0 Internet Explorer 8 or later0 Safari 5.1 or later0 Google Chrome 21.0 or later0 Mozilla Firefox 15 or laterSmartphone/Tablet Terminalo iPhone/iPad/iPod touchiOS 5.1.1 or later (Safari 5.1 or later)o Android SmartphoneAndroid 4.0 or later (standard browser)138Connecting to the Network