1-6 (No.YD085)SECTION 2SPECIFIC SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS2.1 Different table of featuresThe following table indicates main different points between models DR-DX5SEK and DR-DX5SEL/EU/EY/EZ.2.2 Service positionThis unit has been designed so that the Mechanism and Mainboard assemblies can be removed together from the bottomchassis. Before diagnosing or servicing the circuit boards, takeout the major parts from the bottom chassis.2.2.1 How to set the "Service position"(1) Refer to the disassembly procedure and perform the disas-sembly of the major parts before removing the Mechanismassembly.(2) Remove the screws that fix the Mechanism, Main board as-sembly to the bottom chassis. If any other screws are usedto fix the boards, remove them also.(3) Remove the combined Mechanism, HDD, DVD unit,switching regulator, digital, DV jack, junction and Mainboard assemblies.(4) If any other major parts are used, remove them also.(5) Connect the wires and connectors of the major parts thathave been removed in steps (1) to (4). (Refer to Fig. 2-2a.)(6) Place the combined Mechanism, Main board and otherboard assemblies upside down.(7) Insert the power cord plug into the power outlet and thenproceed with the diagnostics and servicing of the board as-sembly.Notes:• Before inserting the power cord plug into the power out-let, make sure that none of the electrical parts are ableto short-circuit between the workbench and the boardassembly.• For the disassembly procedure of the major parts anddetails of the precautions to be taken, see "Removingthe major parts".• If there are wire connections from the Main board andMechanism assemblies to the other major parts, be sureto remove them (including wires connected to the majorparts) first before performing step (2).• When carrying out diagnosis and repair of the Mainboard assembly in the "Service position", be sure toground both the Main board and Mechanism assem-blies. If they are improperly grounded, there may benoise on the playback picture or FDP counter displaymay move even when the mechanism is kept in an inop-erative status.• In order to diagnose the playback or recording of thecassette tape, set the Mechanism assembly to the re-quired mode before placing it upside down. If the mech-anism mode is changed (including ejection) while it is inan upside down position the tape inside may be dam-aged.• For some models, the mechanism and board assem-blies are attached by connectors only. When carryingout a diagnosis or repair of the boards in the "Serviceposition", make sure that the connectors are not dis-connected.Fig.2-2aITEM DR-DX5SEK DR-DX5SEL/EU/EY/EZPOWER PLUG 3PIN CEEBROADCASTING STANDARD I B/G,D/KSTEREO DECODER NICAM NICAM/A2VCR PLUS+ VIDEOPLUS+ SHOWVIEWVPS/PDC NOT USED USEDMAINboardassemblySWITCHINGREGULATORboard assemblyJUNCTIONboard assemblyDV JACKboardassemblySWITCH / DISPLAYboard assemblySWITCH / JACKboard assemblyDIGITALboardassemblyHDDDVDDRIVEUNITDV MAINboardassemblyMDAboardassemblyTP3903MAIN board assemblyTP3904TP3905TP3906TP3908TP3902TP3901TP3907