1-30 (No.YD085)4.10 Compatibility and error rate adjustment4.10.1 PreparationBefore disassembly and adjustment, back up the data stored inthe EEPROM (IC1504 on the DV MAIN board) using the ServiceSupport System Software (SSS software).Table 4-13-1 shows the important service points for the compat-ibility and error rate adjustments.Table 4-13-1Note 1 :• The linearity adjustment is required only after servicing or re-placing the drum or the take up/supply guide rail.Note 2 :• After replacing the DV MAIN board, write the original data inthe EEPROM of the new board. If write communication is notpossible, mount the original EEPROM on the new board.When adjustments of more than one item are required, use thefollowing order for the adjustments.4.10.2 AdjustmentThe actual adjustment requires the following preparation. Tools required for adjustmentFig.4-10- Procedure(1) Take out the 6 screws, then remove the top cover. (SeeSECTION 3 DISASSEMBLY)(2) Connect the jig connector cable to CN2001 on the DVMAIN board.Fig.4-10- Setup for computer adjustmentFig.4-10-3LinearityadjustmentPB SwitchingpointadjustmentError rateadjustmenmtDrumreplacementRequiredNote 1 Required RequiredTransport partreplacementRequiredNote 1 Not CheckTransport part(drum) repairRequiredNote 1 Not CheckIC4001(PRE/RECamp on DV MAINboard) replacementNot Not CheckIC2001(PB. EQ onDV MAIN board)replacementNot Not RequiredDV MAIN boardreplacementNote 2Not Required Required4.10.3 Linearity adjustment4.10.4 PB switching point adjustment4.10.5 Error rate adjustmentAlignment tapeUS : MC-1PAL : MC-2SSS softwarePTU94016-5Guide driverYTU94085Jig connector cablePTU94018BPC cableUS : QAM0099-002PAL : QAM0099-005Jig RCUPTU94023BDV MAIN PWBJig Connector CablePTU94018BCN2001CN1501CN1503CN3701DV MAIN PWBCN2001CN1501CN1503CN3701Service Support SoftwareRS-232C PortPC CablePersonal ComputerJVCMENU-Setup by extending the jig connector-Connect the Jig Connector Cable and setup the SSS software. Itautomatically becomes the TCCS mode and "TCCS" is displayedon the FDP.To cancel the TCCS mode, press the CANCEL button of the remotecontrol unit.The "TCCS" display on the FDP disappears.