EN 41LIVE MEMORY PLAYBACK ON HDD/DVD DECKThis unit records pictures onto the hard disk and DVD-RAM disc,instead of video tapes, then plays back the pictures recorded onthe disc. This makes it possible to achieve high-speed writing andread-out that has not been possible with conventional VCRs,enabling recording and playback simultaneously.It is called ALive Memory PlaybackB to start playback of theprogramme being recorded, with a time-lag between a recordingpoint and a playback point, as shown in the figure below.Not only can this unit play back a programme previously recordedwhile recording or timer recording another programme, but the unitalso allows you to play back from the beginning of a programmewhile continuing to record the same programme.Recording/playback Status DisplayNOTES:● Live Memory Playback could be performed approximately 30seconds after recording has started on the DVD-RAM disc.However, for HDD, Live Memory Playback is possible right afterrecording has started.● Although high-speed search up to approximately 30 secondsbefore the current recording point is possible during Live MemoryPlayback, once the current recording point is reached, the unitresumes normal playback and maintains a delay of approximately30 seconds so that recording and playback can continue.● When using Live Memory Playback during timer recording,playback continues even after the end of the recording.● When using Live Memory Playback during timer recording on theDVD-RAM disc, the next timer recording will be recorded to theHDD deck even though recording on the DVD deck has stopped.(A pg. 46, ARelief RecordingB)● It is impossible to perform ITR even if you press R on the unitduring Live Memory Playback while in normal recording orRetroActive Recording. (A pg. 36)Press o to display the programme being recorded, then performITR settings.● It is possible to perform ITR during Live Memory Playback whilein temporary recording for Live Memory (HDD deck only). PressR to stop Live Memory Playback and activate normal recording,then perform ITR settings.● It is impossible to perform ITR during Live Memory Playbackwhile in timer recording.● Playback may be paused for a moment during Live MemoryPlayback, which does not interfere with recording.● Live Memory Playback cannot be performed while recording thesource from DV input. (A pg. 59, ADV Dubbing (HDD & DVDDeck Only)B)● When LIVE CHECK is pressed to display the picture currentlybeing recorded, the picture size may not be correct.● Press o or LIVE to stop Live Memory Playback.● Live Memory Playback cannot be performed while the DVD deckis recording as temporary recording on HDD stops duringrecording on DVD.Live Memory Playback● Turn on the unit.● Turn on the TV and select the AV mode.● Slide the TV/CABLE/SAT/DVD switch to DVD.● Press DV/HDD/DVD SELECT on the unit repeatedly to selectthe HDD or DVD deck.Playback(High-speed read-out)Recording(High-speed writing)High-speed spinCurrent recording position(Recording point)Recording start pointCurrent playback point(Live Memory Playback)0 30 min.PlaybackcontinuesRecordingcontinuesCurrently elapsed recording time1 hourON SCREENLIVENAVIGATIONLIVE CHECKoRCABLE/SATDVDTVLive Memory Playback status can be checked bypressing ON SCREEN to display the bar meter onthe superimpose display. The current status issuperimposed on the TV screen. (A pg. 14, AWhenusing Live Memory playbackB)Press NAVIGATION to display Library DatabaseNavigation menu, then choose a programme to playback. (A pg. 49)