| CA-MXS5SSMBKUsing the TimersSetting the ClockThe clock will be displayed even when the system is turned off. Pressingthe TUNING/TIMER/DIMMER button ( < or > ) will switch between twobrightness levels for the clock.1. Press the CLOCK ADJUST button on the Tuner.The hours digits blink.CLOCK ADJUST=). Pressthe TUNING/TIMER/DIMMER button( < or P )tosetthe hoursdigit.TUNING/TIMER/DIMMERcr)Press the > button to increase the hour, and press the < button todecrease the hours.To enter a new hour digit, press the CANCEL button and repeat step 2.. Press the MEMORY button on the Tuner.MEMORYThis sets the hour portion of the time.The minutes digits will blink.. Press the TUNING/TIMER/DIMMER button ( to set theminutes digit.It's a good idea to set the minutes digits one minute ahead. Then youcan start the clock when itreaches the set time exactly (according to thecorrect time from the TV, radio, or telephone).To enter a new minute digit, press the CANCEL button and repeat step4,. Press the MEMORY button.The clock starts as soon as you press the MEMORY button.Caution! If there is a power failure, or if you unplug the stereo, the clocktime will be lost. Repeat steps 1-5 when power is restored.Using the TUNING/TIMER/DIMMER button to change luminosity oftime display by two steps under STANDBY status.» : Increases luminosity: Decreases JuminositySetting the TimersWith the timers you can make tape recordings of broadcasts, CD’s, or tapeswhen you're not around. You can also play these music sources atspecified times without recording them.Use TIMER 1 and TIMER 2 record a radio broadcast when you’re nothome, or late at night when you're asleep.Use the DAILY timer to record a broadcast that occurs at the same timeevery day.The procedure for setting TIMER 1, TIMER 2 and the DAILY timer is thesame. You need to tell the system:— The name of the timer (TIMER 1 , TIMER 2, or DAILY).— The time the timer should turn the system on.— The time the timer should turn the system off.-—— The source the timer should turn on (Tuner, CD, or Tape).—— The volume level that should be used during recording or playback.Note:The clock must be set to the correct time for the timers to be effective.Caution! Do not operate the remote controller when you are programmingthe timer.Choosing a TimerPress the TIMER 1, TIMER 2, or DAILY button on.the Tuner to select atimer.ThisputsthesystemintheTimerSettingmode.Theinformationthatthesystemexpectsnextwillblinkonthedisplay.Setting the Start Time1,PresstheTUNING/TIMER/DIMMERbuttonstosetthehourthatthesystemwillturnon.The¢buttonmakesthehournumberdecrease,andthe»buttonmakesthehournumberincrease.2. Press the MEMORY button.This stores the hour portion of the start-time in memory.MEMORY.eS3.PresstheTUNING/TIMER/DIMMERbuttonsto settheminute.4. Press the MEMORY button.This stores the minute portion of the start-timer in memory.Setting the Stop Time1.PresstheTUNING/TIMER/DIMMERbuttonstosetthehourthatthesystemwillturnoff.2. Press the MEMORY button.This stores the hour portion of the stop-time in memory.3.PresstheTUNING/TIMER/DIMMERbuttonstosettheminute.4. Press the MEMORY button.This stores the minute portion of the stop time in memory.Selecting the Source1. Press the TUNING/TIMER/DIMMER button to select a source.Repeatedlypressingthebutton displaysthesourcesinthefollowingorder:Display What it meatsHo eeRePlays from whicheversourcewasusedjustbeforeturningoffthesystemTUNER Plays FM or AM broadcastTUNER TIMER REC Records FM or AM broadcastcD Plays a CDTAPE Plays a tape--—-TIMER RECRecordsfromwhicheversourcewasusedjustbeforeturningoffthesystemNote:*IfyouchooseanFMorAMradiostationas thesource,select thepresetstationbypressingthePRESETbutton ontheTuner..2. Press the MEMORY button.This stores the source to play or record in memory.Setting the Volume1. Press the TUNING/TIMER/DIMMER button to selecta volume level.Repeatedlypressingthe>buttondisplaysthevolumelevels inthefollowingorder.:Display What It meansVOL-- -- Volumesettothelevelusedbeforeshutthepoweroff.VOL -~- 0 Volume offVOL -~ A Volume barely onVOL -~ B Volumeatabout a1/4 turn of thevolume knobVOL-~C Volumeatabouta1/3 turn of thevolume knob21(No. 20342) 23