RX-MXG9BKJVCCA-MXG9BK/XT-MXG9BK(Unit No. RX-MXG9BK)SaatCe Ts TestesPe]Note 1. This manual is for one part of the titled model consisting of the plural units as detailed.Unit No. Consisted Part of Model | = Manual No.2. RX-MXG9BK is needed for the power supply when servicing the unit not provided with the power(mains) cord.ContentsSafety Precautions ............ccc cece eaee 1-2 Adjustment Procedures ................. .. 1-51Instruction Book ...............2.. saswines JLB Block Diagrams .............00.......... 1-52Description of Major LSIs ................ 1-48 Schematic Diagrams ................. InsertionInternal Connection of FL Display Tube .. 1-49 Printed Circuit Boards ............... InsertionDisassemblyProcedures .................. 1-50 Petrts BASE: ie ce ws scanase olbn dteice ....... Insertionak 2 ee ere