63Button FunctionsThe MUTING button instantly turns the volume down completely when you press it. PressM UTING and the volume level will instantly go to zero. To restore the volume to its previouslevel, press M UTING again.MutingThe VIDEO STATUS button gives you a choice of four TV picture display settings, including adisplay of your own preferences.Standard - Resets the picture display to the factory settings.Dynamic - Gives a vivid picture with better contrast when viewing ina brightly lit room.Theater - Gives a rich, film-like look to video when viewing in adimly lit room.Game - Used for when you are playing video games connected toyour TV.Press the VIDEO STATUS buttonBy every press of the VIDEO STATUS button, you change the mode.Note:• You can also change the mode by pressing the π† buttons.• You can also access the FRONT CONTROL PANEL screen by using the M ENU button onthe side of the TV instead of the remote control. It appears between INITIAL SETUP andPICTURE ADJUST screen, and it has VIDEO STATUS and ASPECT menus. Choose VIDEOSTATUS by pressing M ENU† on the side panel and choose a mode by using the C HANNEL+/- buttons ( √ OPERATE ® ).Video StatusVIDEO STATUSSTANDARDDYNAMICTHEATERGAMENatural cinema corrects the problem of blurred edges which may occur when viewing a programoriginally shot on film (such as motion pictures) or animation. If you notice blurring at the edgesof these programs, press N ATURAL CINEMA and set it to AUTO. Natural Cinema helps correctconversion errors that occur when film, which is shot at 24 frames-per-second, is broadcast at thetelevision rate of 30 frames-per-second.Press the N ATURAL C INEMA buttonNotes: The natural cinema mode is automatically set to “AUTO” in thefollowing cases:• Turning on or off• Changing the channel or input mode• Using multi-screen functionsNatural CinemaNATURAL CINEMAAUTOONOFF