Chapter 3 Interpreting Test ResultsData mode resultsHST-3000 ADSL2 Testing User’s Guide 69Ping results Think of ping (packet internet groper) as sonar on a network.The HST-3000 sends out IP packets (Internet ControlMessaging Protocol [ICMP] “echo” requests) to which thedestination (target) automatically responds. Ping tells you ifDNS Domain Name Services. When using inter-net addresses such as, theHST-3000 (and all IP devices) must trans-late to an IP address (such as157.234.12.20) in order to route the pack-ets or data. To do so, it first requests aDNS server to translate an internetaddress into an IP address; then theHST-3000 can correctly route IP pings orother data. The DNS address must be thatof a real DNS server, preferably in the pro-vider network.State Status of the IP connection. (Inactive,Active, Network Up, and so on.)If in Multi VLAN data mode, this result isbased on the WAN x State results. If anyinterface is in a failure mode, “Test Failed”is displayed. If any interface is in negotia-tion mode, “Test Active” is displayed. If allof the interfaces indicate Network Up, “Net-work Up” is displayed.WAN x State The status of each VLAN.Only appears when using Multi VLAN datamode.LAN IP Address The HST-3000's IP address to a PC or lap-top, hub or router connected to theHST-3000's ethernet port. (Throughmode only)LAN Net Mask The HST-3000’s netmask address for theLAN interface. (Through mode only)Table 16 IP results (Continued)Result Definition