Chapter 3 Interpreting Test ResultsData mode resultsHST-3000 ADSL2 Testing User’s Guide 67The following sections describe the results in each category.Data summary This default results screen provides a summary of the mostfrequently used test results. Table 15 describes the Datasummary results.Table 15 Data summary resultsResult DefinitionData mode Shown in the upper right of the screen. Itis the current data mode.Link status Located under the Data mode, indicateswhether the link is up or down.Pri VC The primary virtual path and channelindicator for the virtual circuit.Gen RX Cells Total cells received on the ATM Generalscreen (“Gen”)Gen RX AAL5FramesTotal received ATM Adaptation Layer 5frames on the ATM General screen(“Gen”). Multiple ATM cells are groupedtogether in frames to carry largeamounts of user data over the network.Gen TX Cells Total cells transmitted on the ATMGeneral screen (“Gen”)Gen TX AAL5FramesTransmitted ATM Adaptation Layer 5 Cellson the ATM General screen (“Gen”).Since ATM can carry different types ofuser data (such as web pages or voice),ATM layers are defined to carry thedifferent types of data effectively. Fornormal, non-time sensitive data, suchas e-mail and user files, AAL5 is used.