5MOUNTING OPTIONSOn shelves. On the wall. Wallbrackets are included.On optional stands.SATELLITES AND SURROUNDSPrepare the speaker wire asdescribed on page 7. Threadthe two conductors throughthe two holes in the standbracket. Make sure to pre-serve the proper polarity(+ and – connections) bythreading the positive con-ductor through the hole onthe left, and the negativeconductor through the holeon the right, looking at thefront of the stand. Push downon the red speaker terminaland insert the bare end of thepositive wire into the holeunder the red cap. Releasethe cap, and tug gently on thewire to make sure that theconnection is snug. Followthe same procedure to con-nect the negative wire to itsterminal.Gently pull the slack out ofthe wire and screw the shelfstand onto the back of thespeaker in two places, asshown. The shelf standscrews may be found inHardware Bag A. Use thelarger screw in the upperscrew hole, and the smallerscrew in the lower screw hole.ATTACHING THE SHELF STAND TO THE SPEAKERMOUNTING THE SATELLITES ON OPTIONAL FLOOR STANDSImportant Safety Note: Thesupplied floor stand adaptersfacilitate installation with avariety of general-purposefloor stands available frommany manufacturers. Sincedifferent stands will havedifferent weight capacitiesand stability characteristics, itis the customer’s responsibil-ity to check with the standmanufacturer or dealer todetermine whether that spe-cific stand is capable of han-dling the weight and propor-tions of these loudspeakers ina safe and stable manner. JBLdisclaims any liability for theselection of suitable floorstands and/or correct compat-ibility between the selectedstand and these satellite loud-speakers.The floor stand adapters arecompatible with floor standsequipped with a 1/4"-20threaded insert.Prepare the speaker wire asdescribed on page 7. Threadthe two conductors throughthe two holes in the floor standadapter. Make sure topreserve the proper polarity(+ and – connections) bythreading the positiveconductor through the holeon the left, and the negativeconductor through the hole onthe right, looking at the front ofthe adapter. Push down on thered speaker terminal andinsert the bare end of thepositive wire into the holeunder the red cap. Releasethe cap, and tug gently onthe wire to make sure thatthe connection is snug.Follow the same procedureto connect the negative wireto its terminal.+–+–+–+–+–+–