4SPEAKER PLACEMENTSUBWOOFERSURROUND SPEAKERS5–6 ft(1.5–1.8m)FRONTSPEAKERS0–2 ft(0–0.6m)The front speakers should beplaced the same distancefrom each other as they arefrom the listening position.They should be placed atabout the same height fromthe floor as the listeners’ears will be, or they may beangled toward the listeners.The center channel speakershould be placed directlyabove or below the televi-sion, and no more than twofeet above or below thetweeters of the left and rightspeakers. It is often con-venient to set the centerspeaker on top of the tele-vision set, as shown in thedrawing.The surround speakersshould be placed slightlybehind the listening positionand, ideally, should faceeach other and be at a levelhigher than the listeners’ ears.If that is not possible, theymay be placed on a wallbehind the listening position,facing forward. Additionalsatellites may be purchasedseparately for use in 6.1- or7.1-channel systems.Generally, it is best to aimall of the speakers (exceptthe subwoofer) toward thelistening position at aboutear-level height.The low-frequency materialreproduced by the subwooferis mostly omnidirectional,and this speaker may beplaced in a convenient loca-tion in the room. However,bass reproduction will bemaximized when the sub-woofer is placed in a corneralong the same wall as thefront speakers. Experimentwith subwoofer placementby temporarily placing thesubwoofer in the listeningposition and moving aroundthe room until the bassreproduction is best. Place thesubwoofer in that location.CENTER CHANNELSPEAKER