Husqvarna Z 242F Operator's Manual
Also see for Z 242F: Operator's manualOperator's manualOperator's manualOperator's manualOperator's manual
17OPERATIONRead the Safety section and following pages, ifyou are unfamiliar with the machine.TrainingDue to unique steering capabilities, zero turnmowers are far more maneuverable than typicalriding mowers.Review this section fully prior to trying to move thePRZHUXQGHULWVRZQSRZHU:KHQ¿UVWRSHUDWLQJthe mower or until becoming comfortable withcontrols, use a reduced throttle speed andreduced ground speed. DO NOT move controllevers to the furthest forward or reverse positionsduring initial operation.First time users must become familiar with themower’s movement on a hard surface, such asconcrete or blacktop PRIOR to trying to operateon turf. Until the operator becomes comfortablewith the mower controls and zero turningcapability, overly aggressive maneuvers maydamage turf.SteeringTo move forward and backwardThe direction and speed of the mower’sPRYHPHQWVDUHHႇHFWHGE\WKHPRYHPHQWRIWKHcontrol lever(s) on each side of mower. The leftcontrol lever controls the left wheel. The rightcontrol lever controls the right wheel.First time users must push the mower (seeMoving Machine By Hand in the OperationVHFWLRQ WRDQRSHQÀDWDUHDZLWKRXWRWKHUpersons, vehicles or obstacles nearby. To movethe unit under its own power, the operator mustsit in the seat and start the engine (see BeforeStarting in the Operation section). Adjust theengine speed to idle, disengage the park brakebut do not engage the blades at this time. Pullcontrol levers inward. As long as the control levershave not been moved forward or backwards, themower will not move.Slowly move both control levers forward slightly.This will let the mower start moving forward in astraight line. Pull the control levers back to theneutral position and stop the mower from moving.Pull back slightly on control levers, allowing themower to move backwards. Push the controllevers forward to the neutral position to stop themower from moving.To turn to the rightWhile moving in a forward direction, pull the rightlever back towards the neutral position whilemaintaining the position of the left lever, this willslow the rotation of the right wheel and cause themachine to turn in that direction.To turn to the leftWhile moving in a forward direction pull the leftlever back towards the neutral position whilemaintaining the position of the right lever, this willslow the rotation of the left wheel and cause themachine to turn in that direction.To zero turn:KLOHPRYLQJLQDIRUZDUGGLUHFWLRQ¿UVWSXOOERWKcontrol levers back until the mower stops or slowsdramatically.Then by alternating one lever slightly to theforward position and the other in the reverseposition, complete the turn.WARNING! The engine exhaust containscarbon monoxide, which is a odorless,colorless, poisonous gas. Do not use themachine in enclosed spaces.7KHIROORZLQJFRQGLWLRQVPXVWEHIXO¿OOHGEHIRUHthe engine can be started:• The blade switch must be pressed down intothe disengaged position.• Both steering / park brake controls must be inthe locked (outer) position.WARNING! Make sure the work area isfree from objects that could be thrown by therotating blades. Clear the lawn of stones andother objects.Before Starting1. Read the sections on Safety and Controlsbefore starting the machine.2. Do the daily maintenance before starting (seeMaintenance Schedule in the Maintenancesection).3. &KHFNWKDWWKHUHLVVXႈFLHQWIXHOLQWKHIXHOtank.4. Adjust the seat to the desired position.IMPORTANT INFORMATION The seat shouldnot be adjusted while the unit is in motion.60MANTENIMIENTOPresión de los neumáticos7RGRVORVQHXPiWLFRVGHEHQWHQHUXQDSUHVLyQde 15 psi / 103 kPa / 1 bar.INFORMACIÓN IMPORTANTE NO agregueQLQJ~QWLSRGHFDPLVDGHQHXPiWLFRQLPDWHULDOGH UHOOHQR GH HVSXPD D ORV QHXPiWLFRV /DVFDUJDV H[FHVLYDV FUHDGDV SRU QHXPiWLFRVrellenos de espuma causan fallas prematuras.8WLOLFHVRORQHXPiWLFRVHVSHFL¿FDGRVSRUHOfabricante original.RuedecillasRevíselas cada 200 horas. Compruebe que lasruedas giren libremente. Si las ruedas no giranlibremente, lleve la unidad al distribuidor para elservicio./RVQHXPiWLFRVUHOOHQRVFRQHVSXPDRQHXPiWLFRVmacizos anulan la garantía.Desmontaje y montajeQuite la tuerca, la arandeia y el perno de la rueda.Tire de la rueda hacia fuera de la horquilla y tengacuidado con los separadores. Para su instalación,siga el proceso inverso. Apriete el perno de la rueda.&RUUHDVHQ9Revíselas cada 100 horas de funcionamiento.Revise si hay grietas profundas y mellas grandes./DFRUUHDPRVWUDUiDOJXQDVSHTXHxDVJULHWDVHQODoperación normal. Las correas no son ajustables.Reemplace las correas si empiezan a deslizarsepor desgaste.Extracción de la correa del equipo1. (VWDFLRQHODPiTXLQDHQXQDVXSHU¿FLHQLYHODGDy aplique el freno de estacionamiento.2. %DMHHOHTXLSRDODSRVLFLyQGHFRUWHPiVEDMD3. Quite las protecciones de la correa.4. Retire desechos que se ha acumulado alrededorde los alojamientos de la cortadora y del equipo.5. $ÀRMHODWXHUFDTXHVXMHWDODJXtDGHODFRUUHDNOTA la posición de la guía de la correa parala reinstalación.6. Presione hacia adentro el brazo guía paraliberar la tensión de la correa.7. Levante con cuidado la correa hacia la partesuperior de las poleas de la carcasa de lacortadora y quite la correa del equipo.Instalación de la correa del equipoNOTA: Para instalar fácilmente la correa de laSODWDIRUPDFRQVXOWHHOUyWXORGHFRORFDFLyQ¿MDGRa la plataforma de corte.1. Envuelva la correa del equipo alrededor de laSROHDGHOHPEUDJXHHOpFWULFRTXHHVWiXELFDGDen el eje del motor.2. Pase la correa hacia adelante y hacia arribaen el equipo.3. Coloque la correa alrededor de la polea tensorade resorte.4. Envuelva la correa del equipo alrededor de lapolea tensora y ambos alojamientos de mandril.5. Empuje hacia dentro el brazo guía y dirijacuidadosamente la correa sobre la polea tensora¿MD 8QD YH] TXH FRUUHD HVWi FRUUHFWDPHQWHinstalada, suelte lentamente del brazo guía paratensar la correa. |
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