STORAGE48 - HUSQVARNAWinter StorageAt the end of the season, the machine should bereadied for storage (or if it will not be in use for longerthan 30 days). Fuel allowed to stand for long periodsof time (30 days or more) can leave sticky residuesthat can plug the carburetor and disrupt enginefunction.Fuel stabilizers are an acceptable option as regardssticky residues during storage. If alkylate gasoline(Aspen) is used, stabilizers are unnecessary becausethis fuel is stable. However, you should avoidswitching between regular and alkylate gasolineas sensitive rubber components can harden. Addstabilizer to the fuel in the tank or in the storagecontainer. Always use the mixing ratios specified bythe manufacturer of the stabilizer. Run the engine forat least 10 minutes after adding the stabilizer so that itreaches the carburetor. DO NOT empty the fuel tankand the carburetor if you have added stabilizer.ServiceWhen ordering spare parts, please specify thepurchase year, model, type, and serial number.Always use genuine Husqvarna parts.An annual check-up at an authorized serviceworkshop is a good way to ensure that your machineperforms its best the following season.To ready the machine for storage, follow these steps:Clean the machine carefully, particularly the1.chassis and working equipment. Touch updamage to the paint to prevent rust.Inspect the machine for worn or damaged parts2.and tighten any nuts or screws that may havebecome loose.Change the engine oil; dispose of properly.3.Open the fuel valve. Empty the fuel tank (1) and4.the carburetor (2).Close the fuel valve.5.Remove the spark plug and pour about a6.tablespoon of engine oil in the cylinder. Turn overthe engine so that the oil is evenly distributed andthen refit the spark plug. Put the engine in thecompression phase where the triangle mark onthe sleeve of the starter is aligned with the upperhole in the starter. Note: Compression phaseoccurs every second revolution.Lubricate all grease nipples, joints and cables as7.described in Lubrication.Store the machine in a clean, dry place and for extra protection.Cover the blade and cutters with a thin coat of avoid rust.WARNING!NEVER store an engine with fuelin the tank indoors or in poorlyventilated spaces where fuel vaporcan come in contact with open flame,sparks or a pilot light such as in aboiler, hot water tank, clothing drier,etc. Handle the fuel with caution. Itis very flammable and careless usecan cause serious damage to personand property. Drain the fuel into anapproved container outdoors andfar away from open flame. NEVERuse gasoline for cleaning. Use a de-greaser and warm water instead.8011-1308011-13112