PROTECTION EQUIPMENT14 - HUSQVARNAPersonal Protection EquipmentConsult your Husqvarna dealer when selectingprotective equipment. Dealers have a broadassortment of equipment for professionals (such asforestry workers) and knowledge about occupationalenvironment requirements and protective levels.Before using the stump grinder, you may need tocut back the object with a power saw. It is thereforepractical to use personal protective equipment thatfulfils requirements for working with both stumpgrinders and power saws.The main difference is that you should wear protectiveglasses when operating the stump grinder while thewire mesh visor is sufficient when using a power saw.Thus when using the stump grinder, it is recommendedto use both a wire mesh visor to protect your faceand protective glasses. A Plexiglas face guard is analternative, but has been found to scratch easily and issusceptible to soiling and fogging.You require the following personal protectiveequipment:Protective helmet (hard hat)1.Ear protection2.Face guard3.Protective trousers4.Protective glasses5.Breathing protection (dusty work environment)6.Protective gloves7.First aid kit8.Protective boots or steel-toed shoes9.8011-189Personal protection equipment19876542 3