8SUITABLE COOKWAREMICROWAVE CLING FILMThis, or heat-resistant film, is very suitable forcovering or wrapping. Please follow themanufacturer's recommendations.ROASTING BAGSCan be used in a microwave oven. Metal clips arenot suitable for fastening them since the roastingbag foil might melt. Fasten the roasting bag withstring and pierce it several times with a fork. Nonheat-resistant food wraps are not recommended foruse in a microwave oven.BROWNING DISHA special microwave dish made from ceramicglass with a metal alloy base, which allows foodto be browned.When using the browning dish a suitable insulator,e.g. a porcelain plate, must be placed betweenthe turntable and the browning dish. Be careful toadhere exactly to the pre-heating time given in themanufacturer's instructions. Excessive pre-heatingcan damage the turntable and the turntable standor can trigger the safety-device which will switchoff the oven.METALGenerally speaking, metal should not be used,since microwaves do not passthrough metal and thereforecannot reach the food. Thereare, however, exceptions: smallstrips of aluminium foil may beused to cover certain parts of the food, so thatthese do not thaw too quickly or begin to cook(e.g. chicken wings). Small metal skewers andaluminium containers (e.g. of ready- cookedmeals) can be used.They must, however, be small inrelation to the food, e.g.aluminium containers must be atleast 2/3 to 3/4 filled with food. Itis recommended that you transferthe food into a dish suitable for use in themicrowave. When using aluminium containers orother metal utensils there must be a gap of approx.2 cms between them and the walls of the cookingarea, otherwise the walls could be damaged bypossible arcing.NO UTENSIL SHOULD HAVE A METALOVERLAY metal parts such as screws, bands orhandles.UTENSIL SUITABILITY TESTIf you are not sure whether your utensil is suitablefor use in your microwave oven,carry out the following test: Placethe utensil into the oven. Place aglass container filled with 150 mlof water on or next to the utensil.Switch on the oven at 900 Wpower for 1 to 2 minutes. If the utensil stays coolor just warm to the touch, it is suitable. Do not usethis test on a plastic utensil. It could melt.