WARNING: Do not use diamondblades with greater gap between segmentsthan max 10 mm (A).AWARNING: Do not use diamondblades with greater blade thickness thanrecommended maximum, refer toRecommended cutting blade dimensions onpage 29.WARNING: Some cutting situationsand worn blades may cause increased wearon the side of the segments. Replace theblade before it is worn out.Toothed bladesWARNING: Never use toothed bladessuch as wood cutting blades, circulartoothed blades, carbide tipped blades, etc.The risk of kickback is significantly increasedand tips can be torn off and thrown at highspeed. Carelessness can result in seriouspersonal injury or even death.WARNING: Government regulationrequires a different type of guarding forcarbide tipped blades not available on powercutters – a 360 degree guard. Power Cutters(this saw) use diamond blades and have adifferent guarding system which does notprovide protection against the dangerspresented by wood cutting blades.Use of this power cutter with a carbide tipped blade is aviolation of work safety regulations.Due to the hazardous nature and exigent circumstancesinvolved with fire fighting and rescue operationsconducted by the various highly trained public safetyforces, safety professionals (fire departments),Husqvarna is aware that they may use this power cutterwith carbide tipped blades in certain emergencysituations due to the ability of carbide tipped blades tocut many different types of obstructions and materials incombination without having to take time to switch bladesor machines. When using this power cutter be aware atall times that carbide tipped blades are more kickbackprone than diamond blades if not used properly. Carbidetipped blades can also throw pieces of material awayfrom the blade.For these reasons, a power cutter equipped with acarbide tipped blade should never be used except byhighly trained public safety professionals who are awareof the risks associated with its use and then only inthose exigent circumstances when other tools aredeemed inefficient and ineffective for fire or rescueoperations. A power cutter equipped with a carbidetipped blade should never be used to cut wood in non-rescue operations.To examine the spindle shaft and theflange washersCAUTION: Use only HUSQVARNAflange washers with a minimum diameter of105 mm/4.1 in.WARNING: Do not use defective, wornor dirty flange washers. Use only flangewashers of the same dimension. Incorrectflange washers can cause the cutting bladeto become damaged or come loose.Examine the spindle shaft and the flange washers whenyou replace the cutting blade.14 1635 - 003 - 20.08.2021