English – 17Correctly adjusted carburetorA correctly adjusted carburetor means that the machine ac-celerates without hesitation and the machine 4-cycles a littleat max speed. Furthermore, the cutting attachment must notrotate/move at idling. A too lean adjusted low speed needle Lmay cause starting difficulties and bad acceleration.A too lean adjusted high speed needle H gives lower power =less capacity, bad acceleration and/or damage to the engine.A too rich adjustment of the two speed needles L and H givesacceleration problems or too low working speed.MAINTENANCEFinal setting of the idling speed TAdjust the idling speed with thescrew T, if it is necessary to re-adjust. First turn the idle speedadjusting screw T clockwiseuntil the cutting attachmentstarts to rotate/move.Then turn, counter-clockwiseuntil the cutting attachmentstops. A correctly adjusted idlespeed setting occurs when theengine runs smoothly in everyposition. It should also be goodmargin to the rpm when thecutting attachment starts torotate/move.CAUTION! Contact your ser-vicing dealer, if the idle speedsetting cannot be adjusted sothat the cutting attachmentstops. Do not use the machineuntil it has been properly ad-justed or repaired.High speed needle HThe high speed needle Hinfluences the power, speed,temperature and fuel con-sumption of the machine. Atoo lean adjusted high speedneedle H (high speed needleH closed too much) gives over-revs and damages the engine.Do not let the machine run atfull speed for more than 10seconds.Turn the high speed needlevery slowly clockwise untilengine speed is reduced.Thereafter turn the high speedneedle very slowly counter-clockwise and stop when theengine begins to run roughly.Then turn the high speedneedle slowly the minimumamount clockwise until theengine runs smoothly.The high speed needle H iscorrectly set when the ma-chine ”4-cycles” a little. If themachine ”whistles” the set-ting is too lean. If there is toomuch smoky exhaust gas atthe same time as the machine”4-cycles” much, the setting istoo rich.NOTE! For optimum setting of the carburetor, contact aqualifi ed servicing dealer who has a revolution counter athis disposal.