4 – EnglishThe machine‘s safety equipmentThis section describes the machine‘s safety equipment, itsfunction and how checks and maintenance are carried out toensure that it operates correctly. (See the chapter “What iswhat“ to locate where this equipment is positioned on yourmachine.)Personal protective equipmentSAFETY INSTRUCTIONS! WARNING!Never use a machine with defective safetyequipment. Follow the control, maintenanceand service instructions described in thissection.1. Throttle triggerlockThe throttle trigger lock isdesigned to prevent thethrottle from accidentallybeing engaged. When thetrigger lock (A) is pressedinto the handle (= when youhold the handle) the throttle(B) is released. When thegrip on the handle isreleased the throttle and thethrottle trigger lock returnto their original positions.This takes place via twoindependent return springsystems. This means that thethrottle is automaticallylocked in its “idling“position.2. Stop switchThe stop switch should beused to stop the engine.IMPORTANT INFORMATION• If used incorrectly or carelessly this machinecan become a dangerous tool that can causeserious or fatal injury to the operator or others. Itis extremely important that you read and underst-and the content of this manual.• When using the machine, personal protectiveequipment approved by the appropriateauthorities must be used. Personal protectiveequipment does not eliminate the risk ofaccidents. However, it can reduce the effects ofan injury in the event of an accident. Ask yourdealer for help when choosing protectiveequipment.GLOVESGloves must be wornwhenever required, forexample when fitting,inspecting or cleaningcutting equipment.PROTECTIVE HELMETAND VISOREAR PROTECTIONEar protection offeringsufficient dampening effectshould be used.EYE PROTECTIONBlows from branches orobjects thrown out by thecutting equipment candamage the eyes.BOOTSUse anti-slip and stableboots.CLOTHINGWear clothes made of astrong fabric and avoid looseclothing that can catch onshrubs and branches. Alwayswear heavy, long pants. Donot wear jewelry, shortpants, sandals or go barefoot.Secure hair so it is aboveshoulder level.FIRST AID KITThe operator must carry afirst aid kit.! WARNING!Remove your hearing protection as soon asyou stop the engine, so that you can hearany noises or warning signals.AB