6 – EnglishSAFETY INSTRUCTIONSIMPORTANT INFORMATION• All service and repairs to the machine require specialtraining.• This applies especially to the machineʼs safetyequipment. If the machine does not meet any of thecontrols listed below you should contact your serv-ice workshop.• The purchase of one of our products guarantees thatprofessional repair and servicing will be carried outon it. If the point of purchase is not one of our serv-icing dealers, please ask for details of the closestservice workshop.Control, maintenance and service ofthe machineʼs safety equipment1. Throttle triggerlock• Check that the throttle islocked in the “idling position”when the throttle trigger lockis in its original position.• Press in the throttle triggerlock and make sure it returnsto its original position whenreleased.• Ensure that the throttle andthrottle trigger lock move eas-ily and that their return springsystems function.• See section "Start". Startthe machine and apply fullthrottle. Release the throttleand check that the cuttingequipment stops and remainsat a standstill. If the cuttingequipment rotates with thethrottle in the idling positionthen the carburettorʼs idlingsetting must be checked. Seechapter “Maintenance”.2. Stop switch• Start the engine and makesure that the engine stopswhen the stop switch ismoved to the stop position.#3. Cutting attachmentguard• Ensure that the guard is un-damaged and is not cracked.• Replace the guard if it hasbeen exposed to impact or iscracked.• Always use the prescribedblade and guard combination,see chapter "Technical data".4. Vibration dampingsystem• Check the vibration dampingelement regularly for materialcracks and distortion.• Check that the vibrationdamping element is undam-aged and securely attached.5. Muffl er1. Never use a machine thathas a defective muffler.2. Check regularly that themuffler is secure.3. If your muffler is fittedwith a spark arrest screenthen it should be cleanedregularly. A blockedscreen leads to the engineoverheating with seriousdamage as a result. Neveruse a muffler with a detec-tive spark arrest screen.