13STARTING AND STOPPINGCAUTION! Do not pull the starter cord allthe way out and do not let go of the starterhandle when the cord is fully extended.This can damage the machine.NOTE: If engine dies, return blue enginechoke lever to the closed position andrepeat starting steps.Warm engineWith a warm engine, squeeze and hold thethrottle trigger. Pull starter rope sharplywhile squeezing throttle trigger until engineruns.CAUTION!Do not put any part of your body in markedarea. Contact can result in burns to theskin, or electrical shock if the spark plugcap has been damaged. Always usegloves. Do not use a machine with dam-aged spark plug cap.StoppingStop the engine by pushing and holdingthe stop switch in the STOP position untilthe engine stops.CAUTION! The stop switch automaticallyreturns to the start position. In order to pre-vent unintentional starting, the spark plugcap must be removed from the spark plugwhen assembling, checking and/or per-forming maintenance.WARNING: When the engine isstarted with the choke in the closedposition the cutting attachment willstart to rotate immediately.