Husqvarna 125E Operator's Manual
Also see for 125E: Operator's manual
U.S. EPA/CALIFORNIA/ENVIRONMENT CANADAEMISSION CONTROL WARRANTY STATEMENTYOUR WARRANTY RIGHTS ANDOBLIGATIONS:The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,California Air Resources Board, EnvironmentCanada and HUSQVARNA are pleased toexplain the emissions control system warrantyon your year 2005 and later small off-roadengine. In California, all small off-road en-gines must be designed, built, and equippedto meet the State's stringent anti-smog stan-dards. HUSQVARNA must warrant the emis-sion control system on your small off-roadengine for the periods of time listed below pro-vided there has been no abuse, neglect, orimproper maintenance of your small off-roadengine. Your emission control system includesparts such as the carburetor and the ignitionsystem. Where a warrantable condition exists,HUSQVARNA will repair your small off-roadengine at no cost to you. Expenses coveredunder warranty include diagnosis, parts andlabor.MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTYCOVERAGE:If any emissions related part on your engine(as listed under Emissions Control Warran-ty Parts List) is defective or a defect in thematerials or workmanship of the enginecauses the failure of such an emission re-lated part, the part will be repaired or re-placed by HUSQVARNA.OWNER'S WARRANTY RESPONSI-BILITIES:As the small off-road engine owner, you areresponsible for the performance of the re-quired maintenance listed in your operator'smanual. HUSQVARNA recommends thatyou retain all receipts covering maintenanceon your small off-road engine, but HUSQ-VARNA cannot deny warranty solely for thelack of receipts or for your failure to ensurethe performance of all scheduled mainte-nance. As the sma}l off-road engine owner,you should be aware that HUSQVARNAmay deny you warranty coverage if yoursmall off-road engine or a part of it hasfailed due to abuse, neglect, improper main-tenance, unapproved modifications, or theuse of parts not made or approved by theoriginal equipment manufacturer. You areresponsible for presenting your small off-road engine to a HUSQVARNA authorizedrepair center as soon as a problem exists.Warranty repairs should be completed in areasonable amount of time, not to exceed30 days. If you have any questions regard-ing your warranty rights and responsibilities,you should contact your nearest authorizedservice center or call HUSQVARNA at1-800-487-5963.WARRANTY COMMENCEMENTDATE:The warranty period begins on the date thesmall off-road engine is purchased.LENGTH OF COVERAGE:This warranty shal_ be for a period of twoyears from the initial date of purchase.WHAT IS COVERED: REPAIR ORREPLACEMENT OF PARTS.Repair or replacement of any warrantedpart will be performed at no charge to theowner at an approved HUSQVARNA ser-vicing center. If you have any questions re-garding your warranty rights and responsi-bilities, you should contact your nearest au-thorized service center or call HUSQVAR-NA at 1-800-487-5963.WARRANTY PERIOD:Any warranted part which is not scheduledfor replacement as required maintenance,or which is scheduled only for regular in-spection to the effect of "repair or replaceas necessary" shall be warranted for 2years. Any warranted part which is sched-uled for replacement as required mainte-nance shall be warranted for the period oftime up to the first scheduled replacementpoint for that part.DIAGNOSIS:The owner shall not be charged for diag-nostic labor which leads to the determina-tion that a warranted part is defective if thediagnostic work is performed at an ap-proved HUSQVARNA servicing center.CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES:HUSQVARNA may be liable for damages toother engine components caused by the fail-ure of a warranted part still under warranty.WHAT IS NOT COVERED:AI_ failures caused by abuse, neglect, orimproper maintenance are not covered.ADD-ON OR MODIFIED PARTS:The use of add-on or modified parts can begrounds for disallowing a warranty claim.HUSQVARNA is not liabte to cover failuresof warranted parts caused by the use ofadd-on or modified parts.HOW TO FILE A CLAIM:If you have any questions regarding yourwarranty rights and responsibilities, youshouM contact your nearest authorized ser-vice center or call HUSQVARNA at1-800-487-5963.WHERE TO GET WARRANTY SER-VICE:Warranty services or repairs shall be pro-vided at all HUSQVARNA service centers.Call 1-800-487-5963.22 |
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