WORKING TECHNIQUES16 – EnglishBasic working techniquesAlways slow the engine to idle speed after each workingoperation. Long periods at full throttle without any load onthe engine can lead to serious engine damage.Grass trimming with a trimmer headTrimming• Hold the trimmer head just above the ground at anangle. It is the end of the cord that does the work. Letthe cord work at its own pace. Never press the cordinto the area to be cut.• The cord can easily remove grass and weeds upagainst walls, fences, trees and borders, however itcan also damage sensitive bark on trees and bushes,and damage fence posts.• Reduce the risk of damaging plants by shortening thecord to 10-12 cm and reducing the engine speed.Clearing• The clearing technique removes all unwantedvegetation. Keep the trimmer head just above the groundand tilt it. Let the end of the cord strike the ground aroundtrees, posts, statues and the like. CAUTION! Thistechnique increases the wear on the cord.• The cord wears quicker and must be fed forward moreoften when working against stones, brick, concrete,metal fences, etc., than when coming into contact withtrees and wooden fences.• When trimming and clearing you should use less thanfull throttle so that the cord lasts longer and to reducethe wear on the trimmer head.Cutting• The trimmer is ideal for cutting grass that is difficult toreach using a normal lawn mower. Keep the cordparallel to the ground when cutting. Avoid pressing thetrimmer head against the ground as this can ruin thelawn and damage the tool.• Do not allow the trimmer head to constantly come intocontact with the ground during normal cutting.Constant contact of this type can cause damage andwear to the trimmer head.Sweeping• The fan effect of the rotating cord can be used for quickand easy clearing up. Hold the cord parallel to and abovethe area to be swept and move the tool to and fro.• When cutting and sweeping you should use full throttle toobtain the best results.! WARNING! Sometimes branches orgrass get caught between the guard andcutting attachment. Always stop theengine before cleaning.! WARNING! Overexposure to vibrationcan lead to circulatory damage or nervedamage in people who have impairedcirculation. Contact your doctor if youexperience symptoms of overexposureto vibration. Such symptoms includenumbness, loss of feeling, tingling,pricking, pain, loss of strength, changesin skin colour or condition. Thesesymptoms normally appear in thefingers, hands or wrists. The riskincreases at low temperatures.