• Use approved hearing protection.• Use approved eye protection. If you use a visor, youmust also use approved protective goggles.Approved protective goggles must agree with theANSI Z87.1 standard in the USA or EN 166 in EUcountries.• Use gloves when it is necessary, for example whenyou attach, examine or clean the cutting equipment.• Use protective boots, or shoes, with non-slip soles.• Use pants with saw protection.• Use clothing made of a strong fabric. Always useheavy, long pants and long sleeves. Do not useloose clothing that can catch on twigs and branches.Do not wear jewelry, short pants, open shoes or gowith bare feet. Put your hair up safely above yourshoulders.• Keep first aid equipment close at hand.Safety devices on the productWARNING: Read the warning instructionsthat follow before you use the product.In this section the product’s safety features, its purposeand how checks and maintenance should be carried outto ensure that it operates correctly. See instructionsunder the headingProduct overview on page 2 to findwhere these parts are located on your product.The life span of the product can be reduced and the riskof accidents can increase if product maintenance is notcarried out correctly and if service and/or repairs are notcarried out professionally. If you need further informationplease contact your nearest servicing dealer.WARNING: Never use a product withdefective safety components. The product'ssafety equipment must be inspected andmaintained as described in this section. Ifyour product fails any of these checks,contact your service agent to get it repaired.CAUTION: All servicing and repair work onthe machine requires special training. This isespecially true of the machine′s safetyequipment. If your machine fails any of thechecks described below you must contactyour service agent. When you buy any ofour products we guarantee the availability ofprofessional repairs and service. If theretailer who sells your machine is not aservicing dealer, ask him for the address ofyour nearest service agent.To do a check of the keypad1. Push and hold the start/stop button (A).A BCa) The product is on when the LED is on.b) The product is off when the LED is off.2. Refer toTo start the SavE function on page 12 forthe function of the SavE button (B).3. Refer to# if the warning indicator (C) is on orflashes.707 - 001 - 27.06.2018 7