3System Overview (cont’d)F a l s e A l a r m P r e v e n t i o n F e a t u r e sCross Zoning and Swinger SuppressionCross Zoning and Swinger Suppression, options can help reduce false alarms.• Cross Zoning: Requires activation of two zones within a specified time windowto activate an alarm.• Swinger Suppression: Limits the number of messages sent for a specific zone inan armed period. Swinger Suppression is by zone and is reset byentering a valid User Code + Off.Ask your installer if your system is programmed for either of these features.Abort WindowAn Abort Window feature exists for all non-fire zones. An Abort Window is a programmable timewindow, which upon disarm (User Code + Off) after all non-fire alarm occurs, will be prevented fromreporting if disarmed within said window.NOTE: Ask your installer if this feature has been programmed.K e y p a d L o c k o u t• If a user presses 30 numeric keys (0-9) within a window of 15 minutes and no valid command isexecuted, the system stops processing numeric key presses for a period of 15 minutes.• During this lockout period, the control responds to any numerical key press with a long beep.• In a partitioned system, a keypad that logs on to a locked out partition (using the GOTOcommand) is locked out until the keypad is reconnected to its original partition, or until thelocked out partition’s lockout period expires, whichever occurs first. NOTE: No keypad activity fortwo minutes will result in the keypad logging back into its home partition.• When a 15-minute lockout occurs, a message is recorded in the Event Log (WNG CODE ENT).When the 15-minute lockout window expires a WNG CODE RST message is recorded in theEvent Log.Error Message DisplayedThe displayed message on the keypad is as follows:User Code ErrorKey 0-9 LockedThe display is cleared when the lockout period expires, anaudible Alarm or the start of an Entry Time beginning.