Troubleshooting17912Weighing ProblemsThe Weighing Platform does not Weigh ProperlyThe system does not seem to display a correct weight.Check the weighing device as follows.12.1 Weighing ProblemsDisplay – — lb _._oz indicates a weighing error.Possible causes ActionsThere are vibrations or air draftsin the weighing area.Use a solid and steady table:• Far from any door• Far from any fan.Something is touching or layingon the weighing platform.Clear the weighing zone and re-zero the weighingplatform (seeWeighing Settings p.133 ).The weighing platform zero is notcorrect.See the weighing platform zeroing procedures inWeighing Settings p.133Weight too heavy for current rate(you have placed a package onthe platform that is too heavy forthe rate selected).1 Press [OK] to clear the error message.2 Press the [Rate] key and select a rate classthat can accommodate the weight of thepackage.(Example: select Priority if the rate youhad been using was First Class).3 Press lightly on the Scale to establish theweight and postage with the new rate.Weight on the Weighing Platform(option) is over max capacity (youhave placed a package on theplatform that is too heavy for thecapacity).1 Remove the package and if possible, weigh iton another Scale.2 Use Manual Weight Entry mode to enter theweight and determine the postage.To avoid weighing errors, make sure the is clear when startingthe system (if Scale is installed).