6 SPEAKER PLACEMENTSpeaker PlacementColor-Coding SystemThe HKTS 11 uses the channel color-codingsystem established by the Consumer ElectronicsAssociation to make setting up your hometheater speaker system as easy as possible. Yoursystem includes a set of colored stickers thatmay be placed near the speaker terminals ofeach of the four satellite speakers according tothe key below. It doesn’t matter which satellitespeaker is used for any of the front or rearpositions. (The center speaker and poweredsubwoofer are already color-coded for you.)Front SpeakersThe front speakers should be placed the samedistance from each other as they are from thelistening position. They should be placed atabout the same height from the floor as thelisteners’ ears will be, or they may be angledtoward the listeners.Center Channel SpeakerThe center channel speaker should be placedslightly behind the front left and right speakers,and no more than two feet above or below thetweeters of the left and right speakers. It is oftenconvenient to set the center speaker on top ofthe television set, as shown in the drawing.SubwooferThe two surround speakers should be placedslightly behind the listening position and, ideally,should face each other and be at a level higherthan the listeners’ ears. If that is not possible,they may be placed on a wall behind thelistening position, facing forward. The surroundspeakers should not call attention to themselves.Experiment with their placement until you hear adiffuse, ambient sound accompanying the main-program material heard in the front speakers.Surround SpeakersThe low-frequency material reproduced by thesubwoofer is mostly omnidirectional, and thisspeaker may be placed in a convenient locationin the room. However, the best reproduction ofbass will be heard when the subwoofer is placedin a corner along the same wall as the frontspeakers. Experiment with subwoofer placementby temporarily placing the subwoofer in thelistening position and moving around the roomuntil the bass reproduction is best. Place thesubwoofer in that location.Satellites and SurroundsThe satellite speakers may be placed on a shelf.They may be wall-mounted using the suppliedbrackets.1,5-1,85 mWhite RedBlue GrayGreenWhite Red Purple0-0,55 mWhite RedGreenWhite RedSpeaker Sticker (or Terminal)Position and Cable ColorFront Left WhiteFront Right RedCenter GreenSurround Left BlueSurround Right GraySubwoofer (LFE) Purple