46Chapter 6 - GLPGLP (Good Laboratory Practice) is a set of functions that allows the storage orretrieval of data regarding the probe calibration.This feature allows also to associate a reading to “certified data” (standard solu-tions, reference meters, etc.) put in the meterthrough the calibration procedure.To visualize GLP data, while in measurementmode, press the MENU soft key and scroll withthe arrow key to highlight the “GLP data” entry.The complete list of available parameters ap-pears; highlight the desired entry with the arrowkeys and press OK to visualize the relative infor-mation.NOTE: When there are no available calibrationdata for the selected parameter, themessage “No GLP data available for thismeasurement” appears. Press OK to goback to the previous screen.6.1 PROBE INFORMATION• To visualize the probe information, highlight theentry and press OK.• The probe information appear: model, firmwareversion, ID and serial number.• Press OK to go back to the previous screen orMODIFY ID to change the identification code.• By pressing MODIFY ID a textbox appears: usethe keyboard to change the code and then pressOK.• The messages “Storing data on probe, please wait...” and “Data successfullystored on probe” appear.• Press OK to go back to the Probe information screen.