1716To store the current reading in memory press the LOG key while inmeasurement mode. The LCD will display "Stor" along with the "LOG"indication and the sample number for a few seconds.By pressing the LOG key a complete set of information is memorized:date, time, pH and mV (HI98150 only) readings, temperaturereading and also a message on the meter status.Up to 500 samples can be stored into memory.When the memory is full and the LOG key ispressed, the sample will not be stored andthe LCD will display "FULL". In this case it isnecessary to delete all the memory to pro-ceed.TO VIEW LOGGED DATATo retrieve the memorized information press ALT and RCL.The meter displays the date (upper LCD) andthe number (lower LCD) of the last loggedsample. The "ZERO" indication will be dis-played if no samples are stored in memory.• Select the desired sample number with the arrow keys. Pressingthe · key while the last sample is displayed causes the meter togo to the first sample.• Press RANGE to view remaining data of theselected sample. After the date information,the remaining data will be displayed in thefollowing order:LOGGING FUNCTIONTEMPERATURE CALIBRATION PROCEDURE(for technical personnel only)A two point calibration at 0.0, 50.0°C has to be performed in orderto store the new calibration data in memory.1. Immerse the pH electrode with the built-in temperature sensor inthe 0°C temperature bath.2. Press ALT and CALT to enter temperature calibration mode.3. Enter the password.4. The meter will display "0.0 °C" on the lower LCD with the "BUF 1"and "CAL" indication.5. When the reading is stable the "CFM" symbol starts to blink.6. Press ALT and CFM to confirm. LCD will then display 50.0°C onthe lower LCD with the "BUF 2" indication.7. Immerse the pH electrode with the built-in temperature sensor inthe 50°C temperature bath.8. When the reading is stable the "CFM" symbol starts to blink.9. Press ALT and CFM to confirm and return to normal operationalmode.10. Set the simulator to +350 mV.11. When the "CFM" symbol blinks, the read-ing is stable. Press ALT and CFM toconfirm the second value.12. The LCD will display "Stor" for a few seconds.13. If only a two-point calibration is required, press CAL to leave thecalibration mode. Proceed with the next step for three-pointcalibration.14. The meter will display "1900 mV" on thelower LCD with the "BUF 3" indication.15. Set the simulator to 1900 mV.16. When the "CFM" symbol blinks, the read-ing is stable. Press ALT and CFM toconfirm the third value.17. Calibration is now complete, the instrument returns to normaloperational mode.Note: "WRONG" message notifies the user if the selected value iswrong.