81Setting the ParametersDISPLAYDISPLAY - SHORTCUT (G)Sets the shortcut waiting time.Th e setting range is 0 to 2 seconds. At NO the shortcut feature is disabled.DISPLAY - TIME OUT (G)Sets the time for returning to the previous mode from the mode displayed by the short-cut operation.Th e setting range is 4 to 16 seconds. At NO the screen will not return to the previousmode.DISPLAY - POP UP (G)Sets the interval at which the Pop Up is displayed when you move the [OVERDRIVE]or [EFFECT AMOUNT] knob.Th e setting range is 0.5 to 2 seconds. At NO no Pop Up is displayed.KEYBOARDVELOCITY OFFSET (S)Fine-adjusts the keyboard velocity to personal taste. the setting range is -32 to +32. Ifyour touch is heavy, set this parameter to a negative value, if your touch is light, set theparameter to a positive value.SOUNDING POINT (S)Set the sounding point if the internal keyboard is played.DEEP All the section sounds on the deep point in the stroke.AUTO The Organ section sounds on the shallow point if the [ALLOCATE] of the Extra Voice section isOFF.NOTE: The External Zone notes on at shallow point, and the velocity value is fixed at 100 whenthe Sounding Point is set at AUTO, and the [ALLOCATE] is OFF.NOTE: The parameter with (P) indicated isa patch parameter, and is recordedto each patch. (G) indicates “globalparameter”, (S) indicates “systemparameter”, which is recorded uponbeing set, and is common with eachpatch.