Confirm ifthere's specialrequirment forthe laundries.Clear the pocket.Take out thecoins , sand,hairpins etc.Fasten thebuttons andzippers.When the pulsatoris running , thebuttons of thel a u n d r i e s m a ycause noise. Fort h e s a k e o fdiscretion,pleaseput the laundrieswith buttons intoother laundries.Preparation before washing1.Connect the water inlet hose and openthe water tap .2.Confirm that the washing machine isearthed reliably . Then insert the powerplug into the receptacle. Do not connectthe earth terminal to the gas pipe andtap water pipe.3.Put down the drain hose.The quantity ofthe laundriesshall not exceedthe rated value.The big laundrieslike the jeansshall be put inloosely.Using processUsing process1 Preparation before washingPay attention to followings before washing the laundriesa.Please check if the laundries are applicable for washing.b.Separate those not colorfast from other laundries.c.For laundries not waterabsorbing,please put them into water with hands.d.For laundries with much soil,please remove the soil first.You can add detergent on thepart with serious soil directly.It is much easier to remove the soil by that mean.e.For laundries likely to get lint ball or with long fiber,please first turn the inside out beforeputting them into the water.f.Do not put the laundries polluted with chemicals directly into the washing machine.g.For those small laundries ,laundries likely to be twisted or worn,and woolen laundries,please put them into mesh bag before wasing.