Trouble-shooting Answers to questionWhen the remained water is frozenPrevent the freezing (be sure to discharge the water completely after using)After complete draining, set the "WASH SELECTOR" at "STRONG" or "STANDARD".If it is set at "DRAIN", it will be rather difficult for the frozen water to melt.When the water is frozenPour hot water below 50 into the wash tubto soak it completely. Then turn the pulsatorwith hands gently. Please confirm the drainagecan work normally before next using.If the laundries fall to the outer side of the spin tub,please take them out immediately.1.DismantleAs indicated in the figure, push the point markedwith " " to pull the spin tub frame to obliqueupwards to dismantle it.2.InstallAfter install the back edge of the spin tub frame toproper position, push the four points marked with" " by force to reset it.Please check carefully. The laundries may fall to the lower partof the outer side of the spin tub (as indicated in the figure).If the laundries fall to the outer side of the spin tub, duringspinning the draining will get blocked and the rotation speedof the spin tub is reduced.Spin tubLaundriesSpin tub frameIf the laundries fall to the outer side of the spin tubBelow 50